Stacy Steimel

Has extensive experience in the financial industry, highlighting her tenures at PineBridge Investments and PineBridge Global Funds for Latin America, in her role as CEO and investment strategist, respectively. PineBridge is a global manager of various kinds of financial assets, formerly known as AIG Global Investment Group.

An expert in the Latin American stock market, she has 20 years of experience participating in various economic cycles and offering her views from different angles: regulatory, market share and strategy. Led and added value to the asset management industry in the region, creating the second largest small cap fund and consumer fund. Was also part of the creation of the first Latin American fund listed on the Taiwanese stock exchange, its expansion and creation of new financial products in other Asian markets (Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.)

Given my enriching experience creating a small cap fund, I wanted to repeat this experience and contribute to early-stage companies. Chile has been very successful in attracting startups, particularly in the technology field and ChileGlobal Angels is the hub from where to boost the investment with smart capital in the consolidation of these companies.