Edwin Steinsapir

Business Administration degree from Hawaii Pacific University (Cum Laude), which allowed him to have a global vision at a young age. As a director, he is certified by the Institute of Directors of London, as well as other certifications from Stanford, Catholic University and the UAI.

He has experience as an entrepreneur and a businessman, founded and developed businesses in various fields such as Internet (123Remate.com), Real Estate (Food Garden), Fast Food (La Torre Pizza), Gamebling (Perú Loto), and other financial and agriculture businesses. In mass consumption he founded Alimentos Pancho Villa, positioning it as the leading brand of Mexican food in Chile and Latin America, with presence in Argentina, Perú, Venezuela and Uruguay. Currently he is a Director, Consultant, Angel Investor and he is part of Mentores por Chile network.

I join Chile Global Angels wanting to contribute to the development of Chilean early stage’ startups, co-invest with other investors and collaborate in the ecosystem with my experience as an entrepreneur / businessman and contribute to the growth of our country